
Christmas Joy!

As our pastor powerfully shared on Sunday, “The best gifts are not wrapped but lived out!” Just as God sent His beloved Son in the most humble way that first Christmas, the greatest gift ever also modeled the most perfect life of love. Over the past month, we’ve enjoyed a flurry of gatherings and outreach efforts that have filled our hearts and left us speechless. Salvations. Healings. Transformations. Leaders loved and empowered. May these joyful smiles and highlighted pictures express our deep gratitude for King Jesus and our prayer team worldwide (YOU)!

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Healing in the Red Light district

During Teisa’s visit to the Cambodia base, she missed both nights of street outreach due to mentoring meetings with precious leaders. Yet, God made a way on the Friday evening….

From the Iris Phnom Penh family:

A few weeks ago our Bar Outreach team met a woman who was working in the bar with chronic lung disease. She struggled every breath with great pain – she also shared she was an orphan with no family. As soon as we met her we knew that God had led us to her for a reason.
Over the weeks we brought her medicine, food, visited her home and prayed for her, and shared the Good News a few times with her.
Last week, during a worship night at our prayer room in the Red Light District, we felt to go again and pray for her and share the Gospel with her once more. Some stayed and prayed while a few went to meet with her.
That night she gave her life to Jesus and cut off her spirit bracelet! So thankful for God meeting her and to see another soul come into His kingdom! Jesus is alive and moving in the Red Light District of Phnom Penh!

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In fire and flood…

Over the past two weeks, life/ministry in Manila has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Confronted with the aftermath of devastating fires and floods that have impacted thousands upon thousands of families, our hearts break. The constant rains from two tropical storms have wreaked havoc, with nine people killed in landslides or flash flooding, destroyed homes, cancellation of local schools, and leaking roofs everywhere- including ours:)

Amidst the ocean of staggering needs in Manila (the most densely populated city in the world with 119,000 people per sq mile), our hearts can easily be overwhelmed. Yet we know what to do. We sit at the feet of Jesus and then do what He tells us. We offer our little lives and our little lunch…One day at a time. We recently prayed with a woman who lost her home in a fire, and although her physical needs remained huge, she experienced great joy and comfort in His presence. She kept hugging and thanking us because Jesus has not forgotten her! Additionally, our efforts to distribute food to families affected by the flooding resulted in what appeared to be a multiplication, as more bags of rice/food appeared until every at-risk family had received much-needed help.**

Thank you for praying for our team and all that Jesus is doing in Manila!

** Full disclosure: we have attended outreaches where the pastor set some food aside for families not in attendance. We tried to ask if this was the case but have yet to get a clear answer. Regardless- we rejoice!

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First fruitful year!

We’re celebrating a fruitful first year in Manila with new opportunities and adventures every day. Despite the challenges, we remain in awe of God’s plan and provision in bringing us to the Philippines. The vision to empower Asian missionaries is not only happening…it is expanding!

For example, the first Filipino missionary from Dream Center launched to Hong Kong in January! While attending the weekly training, AJ shared his burden for the urban youth of this great, unreached city. For months, our mentorship sessions focused on preparing AJ for the cross-cultural adventures ahead as he prayed and waited on God’s timing for Hong Kong. Suddenly, the door opened, and AJ began his faith journey. Pray with us for AJ, the ongoing mentorship, and future fruitful visits!

In addition to the traditional missionary training we offer, we pray for divine strategies to equip Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) with missionary mindsets and training before they leave the Philippines. Pray with us for open doors into the waiting centers (often, people wait weeks for their visas). God will place many of these workers in strategic positions in closed nations like the Middle East, where they will serve as covert ambassadors for Jesus.

Thank you for journeying with us! We pray that God will continue to bless you abundantly and that you will be encouraged by the fruit of your investment in His Kingdom.

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Fall/Winter Highlights!

Teisa was privileged to visit two schools in Mindoro island- doing discipleship training at Ezra School and Gospel outreach at Tadyawan Minority (a public school for Indigenous/tribal community).  After preaching the Gospel with many responding in prayer, Awaken Hearts sponsored the beautiful meal for over 200!  We returned in December with gifts and Christmas crafts/love.  Awaken Hearts helped the Ezer School in providing 20 tribal families with food baskets/gospel.  Please pray with us for the next trip to include solar bibles (we have ordered them, but it is much delayed due to high demand in other locations).

St. Anthony’s Elementary School

Our church (RockFish Philippines) has adopted a public school in Cainta/Manila.  We expressed His love with truth (Jean sharing a powerful message) and gifts (the girls helped make the bags) on Teachers Appreciation Day. Please pray for all the teachers and students to know/serve Jesus as we continue to love/serve this school.

The Summit

Over 200 pastors/leaders gathered for this conference focused on discipleship in early November.  Jean preached on the Holy Spirit and opened the altar for people to encounter God.  Only one person came forward at first…and then the flood came.  Several people got baptized in the Holy Spirit; while God’s power and healing overcame many others.  We believe this is just the beginning of an outpouring of His Spirit- please pray with us for more opportunities and breakthroughs!

Dream Center

We are finishing our first training phase for the KIDS International/Iris Global missionaries.  We also mentor local leaders and missionaries- pray with us for discernment, wisdom, and strength to call people higher and deeper in Him.  We are also excited to share more about an out-of-the-box missionary training strategy coming in 2024! Look for it!

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Special Assignments

Do you ever receive special assignments from God? Focused on pioneering in Manila, I (Teisa) was surprised when the Holy Spirit confirmed that I needed to serve my spiritual son and daughter, Siyabonga and Dominka Mofele, for their Iris Europe Family camp and outreach. Serve and love on the family? (My grandsons are the cutest boys on the planet. Seriously. ) Teaching missions workshops? Do mentoring sessions? Even have one day of outreach in Krakow, Poland? Let’s go!

On the first night of meetings, I scanned the crowd. Since this is a special assignment, I asked God for a particular request…that He would send me a Filipina just as an encouragement. Even though the camp was full, Andrea arrived on the third night and camped in a tent because the bunk rooms were all full. I was delighted when she sat right next to me on Wednesday night, and when I asked her, “Are you from the Philippines?” She giggled, “YES!” Andrea is currently attending Bible school in Norway and after a Google search for ‘Heidi Baker and Europe,’ she came to the camp by faith!

It was amazing to see how God wrecked her heart during the week. Andrea (and so many others) testified about how life-changing the times were in His presence, workshops, fellowship, etc. By the end, she called me “Mama Teisa” as many do, and we humbly embraced another addition to the mentorship family. Speaking of mentorship, having precious time with my mama/mentor- Heidi Baker- was such a blessing. What joy it is to run this race with Kingdom family! Mothers and fathers. Sons and daughters. Grandkids! His heart is constantly multiplying and growing at the speed of family. What is HIS special assignment for YOU today?

8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Gal. 6:8-10

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Till every tribe knows HIM…

We hope you get some of the testimonies in the mail or social media. So much to share! We are feeling more settled and getting out to explore this breathtaking country! Jean just returned from a trip to a more isolated tribe on Mindoro island (southwest of Manila). Our friend, Betta, started a Christian school for the Mangyan tribe years ago. Previously, the children gave up attending school due to the crazy distances to travel. What a joy to attend the school’s graduation and rejoice with returning students who recently graduated from university and trade schools! The trip’s highlight was preaching the Gospel and praying for several people needing healing in the community. Jean and Pastor Art also encouraged and prayed for the local pastor and leaders- may God’s love and power consume this tribe for His glory! “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb!” Rev 7:9

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Summer News 2023

PDF version of summer newsletter!
June 23 nslt

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One month in Manila!

One month already- what?!!! We are still adjusting in many ways, but exhilarated by His presence and learning the new rhythms of our new city/nation. The whole family is doing really well in some areas and struggling in others. We are so grateful for KIDS International Ministry- being surrounded by amazing Filipino missionaries/leaders, eating Filipino food (we have only cooked one meal since arriving) and learning from the best (outreaches and ministries in every direction- this is not an exaggeration- it is a fact- check them out here). We are not surprised yet remain in awe of His lovingkindness and sovereignty. May we continue to keep in step with Him!

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand. Psalms 37:23

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Gal 5:25

Answered Prayer!

We bought this Toyota Fortuner from another missionary last week! Huge answer to prayer since it is difficult to find affordable and quality used vehicles! The girls love having more space (7 seater) and we love that it is high off the ground so when flooding occurs, we still have transport! Thank you Jesus!

In OCTOBER of last year, I received a message on FB messenger from a missionary family attending the girls school who heard we were looking for housing…Rachel told me about a 4 bedroom house in her community. I thanked her but kinda forgot about the message and never reached out again. Mark (the missionary who sold us the vehicle) knew of this house and arranged the viewing. We still did not connect the dots till Rachel asked if I liked the house (I then saw her previous messages!) At this point, we knew God had prepared this rental house in advance for us and we are very grateful- keep praying with us!

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2

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One- way tickets booked!

The Philippines government dropped all stringent travel protocols in early November, so we booked our one-way flights to Manila, Philippines!
When? We leave on December 30th! Even though we have been waiting for so long, we still need many miracles (provision, visas, etc.).
What will we be doing in Manila? We will be pioneering Iris Manila- a new ministry location for Iris Global focused on three areas:
1) Gather- We stop for the one, preaching and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom and building a Christ-centered community.
2) Grow- His presence is our highest priority. All discipleship, church planting, and ministry flows from this place of intimacy and abiding in Him.
3) Go- We equip and empower missionaries for the end-times harvest! The Philippines is not just a mission field; it is a mission-sending nation! We envision a missionary training school for Filipinos and a Hospitality home (a place of rest, healing, and restoration for Filipino and international missionaries).
What do we still need? Prayer and provision! We need to be covered in the blood of Jesus daily during this exciting season. We also believe God for $$ for vehicle/launch costs and additional monthly supporters, so the ministry will never be hindered because of lack of funds. Thank you for praying!!! We are grateful to have you on this journey with us!

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