
MIA’s new address

Recently, our ministry/financial covering in America, Missionaries in Action has moved their offices
(again:) MIA is the missionary sending arm of Global Missions Awareness (GMA). For some time,
GMA has desired to relocate their ministry office to Atlanta GA. Therefore, MIA has a new home too!

Please help us by making note of the change!

NEW Support Address:
PO Box 2586
Peachtree City, GA 30269

*Make ck’s to MIA and write Jean/SA in byline!

**You can also give to MCV by giving thru MIA; just write MCV in byline!

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Fall Newsletter

Planting for the Future…

It has been an exciting few months! Welcoming a new family member…. almost losing her….being astonished by God’s love in the best and worst of times. Honestly we still do not have the language to express the revelations given, but one we are currently pondering is the link between dreaming, planting, and provision.

When God first planted us in Africa, we were overwhelmed with dreams of seeing orphaned and abandoned children coming home to Him and a loving, Christ-centered family. Now the dream is a very real reality which we have the privilege of living every day at MCV! Thinking over the past few years in SA, there has been a mix of the supernatural and the natural. So many examples of God’s divine provision… and there were also the countless days of the non-glorious, hard work of daily obedience…years even! Some harvests take a long time and others spring up overnight!

A great example of quick harvest is the recent Dream Center. This was a vision planted in ours heart due to the felt-need of our community. With 80% unemployment and only 40% of kids finishing high school, local youth often feel hopeless and helpless about their futures. So we dreamed of a place where youth could go to receive prayerful encouragement and solid job skills/empowerment in the right directions. In July, without much effort in the natural, the Backdoor Dream Center was opened in Village of Hope (the community outreach center we oversee). So much fruit is flowing from the place already…

Another overnight success is the newest church plant in Nelspruit. Guess where? A local brothel☺ Some of the female missionaries at our base went out to minister to local prostitutes. With love and miracles were flowing, the ladies and team meet regularly at a certain house of ‘business.’ Glory!  Now four ladies have left the darkness of the streets to begin a new life in Christ- they are all enrolled in our Bible school and doing great!  Pray with us for a new home of refuge for these precious ladies…

Now God has given us a new dream for MCV. In addition to the harvest of radical children for His glory, we see a harvest of macadamia trees. The planting of the Lord that not only represents the righteous destinies of the kids, but the provision to empower them! Sustainability. Dignity. Job creation. The dream of someday being able to give more than we receive! And just like raising our kids, this dream is going to take decades.

Pray with us! Dream with us! If possible, come and get your hands dirty with us! Thank you for remembering the poor and prayerfully partnering with us here in South Africa. Everyday in Africa is a gift from God and from you… Wow, we are so grateful and blessed!

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Baby Dedication!

Psalm 127:3  Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. (NLT)

Last Sunday we celebrated the dedication of four precious babies to the Lord!  Each of these treasures has an incredible testimony of God’s amazing love.  Two of the babies were abandoned by their biological families….but now are dearly loved by their new families at MCV- a beloved son and precious daughter!  The two other babies are testimonies of God’s miraculous healing power.  One of the babies was extremely sick with HIV, TB, malnutrition etc.  Although we are still contending for His perfect healing, she is vastly improved and a true princess of the MCV family.   We think you know all about the miraculous final baby- our sweet Glory girl!

Thank you for praying with us for these amazing gifts from God!  MCV is so honored to be a place of healing, restoration, and fulfilled destinies!  Pray with us for additional houses so many more gifts of God can come home!

1 Samuel 1:27–28  ”I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD.”

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Gifts from far away lands…

We were super blessed to celebrate our October birthdays
this weekend! This is always a special time for the big MCV family- fun games,
great food &fellowship, cake, and every kid’s favorite part- presents!  For this reason, our celebration was
especially blessed…
A little gal from New Zealand heard about the children and
ministry of MCV thru our newest team members (Bex and Jonny Gilling).  Ten-year-old Anya wanted to prayerfully
reach out and somehow help MCV. 
With her birthday fast approaching, she contacted friends and family and
requested them to make a donation towards MCV instead of giving her presents
for her birthday! Therefore, the entire party (food and presents) were
sponsored by this beautiful gift from a precious heart thousands of miles away…Thank
you so much dear Anya! 
Speaking of far away New Zealand, it is with great love and
bittersweet joy we say “See you later” to the Marquets- relief missionaries who
blessed the MCV family for the past four months.  They helped oversee the ministry while one of the directors
was on maternity leave.  Their
amazing love and service impacted MCV forever…we look forward to seeing them
again soon in green pasturesJ!

See the pictures   http://mcvafrica.com/?p=411

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GLORY!!!  Check out the blog just posted on the MCV website…a must read!


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Great improvements…

Gloria continues to get better and better!  We even took her out of the house to celebrate Dea’s birthday (one of the missionaries).  This was her first outing (beside doctors visits) since coming out of the hospital!

Speaking of improvements- MCV has enjoyed some great additions too!  Enjoy this post I just wrote about the new Prayer Hut and Playground!  There are some great pictures too!


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From glory to glory…

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18
 “And we know in all things God works for good for those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

 Shalom, Shalom! We are so extremely blessed to finally be writing this update and exalting the greatness and goodness of our amazing Heavenly Papa! It has been one week since doctors confirmed enough healing to release Gloria Grace from the hospital. Both Gloria and I (Teisa) continue to struggle with the whooping cough, but we know this sickness is defeated, so join us in proclaiming perfect healing! Dear Gloria sometimes vomits due to the coughing fits, but at least she breathes the whole time J Regardless, she is gaining weight and strength. What a treasure of God’s glory…we can’t wait to see what He has in store for our Glory girl.

In the past week, we have been rejoicing and reflecting heaps. We are left astonished by the love of God! Not surprised…not at all… Just more overwhelmed by the greater revelation of His limitless, lavish love. Equally, we are astonished by the love from His bride! We felt the global family carry this burden…loving and praying for Gloria Grace…we never felt alone for one minute. Each day, we drank in the words of life on FB/emails, often reading the words and scriptures over GG. In our weak moments, the Body of Christ lifted our arms in the battle till His victory was/is manifest. We could never thank Him and you enough…

 Another area of His miraculous glory is in His provision…and another area we are astonished by the Body of Christ. Anyone who knows us knows we never ask for ourselves (we will ask all day long for MCV, Iris, other missionaries, etc); so it was very humbling for us to communicate the financial need (no medical insurance) and prayerfully insert that one line “we need your help” in our last email. We are so incredibly blessed to say the medical bills are almost all covered. Over $20,000 has been sent in or on its way…generous, sacrificial gifts from dear people around the world…and along with our savings, all the bills should be paid. How magnificent is that…a missionary saying, “You can stop sending money!” Yeah God!!!

 Thank you again for ‘stopping for the one.’ As missionaries set apart to defend orphans and widows, we cannot help chuckle on how the one is our own biological pale African. We hope to send another newsletter out soon about the countless other amazing things He is doing here in SA- the newest ‘princess’ of MCV (not GG!), the newest church plant in Nelspruit (you will never guess where), the newest missionaries joining the SA team (very exciting) etc.

 During this challenging, but glorious time, we have been living in Romans chapter 8. Many verses spoke to us in new ways, so we leave you with another favorite-
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship…No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:35,37. Did you know the name “Nicole” means overcomer/conqueror/victorious one? It does. And the newest addition to the Nicole tribe might only be 6 weeks old, but Gloria Grace is leading us in some major Kingdom insight right now, aye!

 PS. Just to be accountable, any additional support that comes in Gloria’s name- we will use it to get some affordable health insurance here in SA and/or sow it into MCV

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Day 15- D-day (Discharge Day- GLORY!

After a great night, our doctor finally gave Gloria the ok to come home! Of course I cried (Teisa), but many of our nurses cried too. They feel in love with our Glory girl during this past two weeks, so it was quite emotional as she left her Isolation room in ICU/High Care. Johanna was over the moon to finally see her baby sister and give her a much anticipated kissy:)

We are soooo grateful and appreciative for the overwhelming love! Your words of life and incredible prayer support has lifted our arms during this battle! We promise to post another update soon…but now we are all going to take a family nap!

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Day 14 High Care

Day 14 9:30pm just arrived home from hospital.Very, very, tired and discouraged. Please continue to pray with us that Gloria will be completely healed, and that they will release her Sunday!

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Day 13 High care

Day 13 High Care- We had the most amazing day with Gloria- her x-ray was spotless, blood counts great, breast-feeding went wonderful; we just sent out our victory email to those who have emailed us recently…And then she stopped breathing (very briefly) AHHHHHHHH! So she will still be under observation for another day/or two (longer if it happens again). Come on Jesus- manifest your healing power for our Glory girl!

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