
Day 4 in ICU

Day 4 in ICU- Gloria’s condition really deteriorated during the night and early morning. Even while on a ventilator, she stopped breathing…which is soooo crazy bad. Doctors were stumped but after an X-ray, they discovered one of her lungs was completed blocked up with mucus and unable to function. Therefore, they ordered a risky operation mid- morning. It was by far the hardest 40 minutes of our lives….Glory to Jesus, she pulled thru. Her lung is working again, but still has some blockage…therefore, she remains unstable and still really needs the supernatural healing break-thru!

Ohhh- I forgot to mention that tests came back- it is a confirmed case of whopping cough (pertussis). Since this is so dangerous/infectious, they have moved her into her own isolation room in the Neo-natal ICU. Mine and Johanna’s (Teisa) tests are not back yet, but we also need His healing power. Please also pray for our dear ones at MCV…Johanna was playing with all the kids for days before we knew anything, so there is a chance other children have been affected…we really need this attack to stop now in Jesus name! This mama can hardly stand fighting this battle for Gloria….fighting for more precious lives is absolutely not an option!

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Pay Pal trouble

On top of everything, we are having major issues with Pay Pal.  Over a month ago, someone tried to hack into our account which cause Pay Pal to restrict the account  to protect it….We were still able to receive money up until a week ago when Pay Pal demanded proof of our US address (since it is a US account)…this is a little challenging for us since we live in Africa:)  

So please forgive us for this not working right now….and we honestly do not have the time and energy to sort it out till Gloria really bounces back!

Many people know have been asking how to help…We simply want everyone to pray!  We do need a miracle financially too since we do not have insurance….!

People can still give thru MIA- PO Box 970, Killen AL 35645 (remember to make ck’s to MIA with note in byline- Jean and Teisa

We are so grateful for your prayers, love and support!!!  God is great and His Glory is shinning brightly over us!!!

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Pray for Gloria!

We wish we had better news, but Gloria had to be rushed to the hospital and admitted into Intensive Care. She constantly stopped breathing last night…but always responded to the name of Jesus and came back! She is quite a fighter!!! They have her on a full blown ventilator now and have sedated her since she hates all the tubes down her mouth. If possible, check our FB page for the latest news. We still do not know what is causing this sickness…We do know God has spoken Isaiah 60 over her life and that the enemy is out to destroy her. So please join us in proclaiming divine healing and wholeness over her precious body and destiny!

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Glory is here!

Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is upon you! Isaiah 60:1

We are so happy to announce the arrival of Gloria Grace Nicole!  She was born on July 11th at 8:35 am;  3.07 kilos and 50cm.

We are not so happy to announce doctors have confirmed a small hole in Gloria’s heart.  Good thing we have another doctor we trust more- JESUS!  A week after the birth, Teisa was hit by a nasty attack of bronchitis which is trying to attack Gloria now.  She has a cough which is causing her to lose many of her feeds.   Please join us in praying for supernatural healing for both mom and baby!
We will do our best to keep you posted on FB and send out a newsletter soon!

In Him- Jean, Teisa, JoJo, and GG

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Youth Day and June Birthdays at MCV

On June 16, MCV hosted a huge braai for local youth within our community (mostly from the backdoor church) to celebrate Youth Day.  We also celebrated the June birthdays of the MCV family and special guests.  This is always such a special time for our huge family.  The MCV kids put together a special talent show while the youth enjoyed some great soccer games.  We also welcomed a new missionary family from New Zealand, the Marquets!  Andrew and Ella (and one year old Elijiah) will be assisting the Sitholes and Nicoles during Teisa’s maternity rest.  We are so grateful for God’s amazing provision in food (what a feast!) and more family (the youth and Marquets)!

Check out pictures at

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Ready to pop:)

Glory…it is 2 AM and I cannot sleep again:)  Great time for catching up the blog!!!

Thank you so much for everyone who keeps us close in heart and prayers….we are doing really great!  Things are pretty busy as we cross-train new missionaries/interns to look after the amazing MCV family  while we enjoy our new treasure (be praying for us on July 11th….that looks like the best day for her arrival since it is a scheduled c-section).
We love and bless you!!!
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Papa’s playground

Forgive our silence! 
We have been home in South Africa for a month with tons of testimonies
and breakthroughs!!!  We honestly
feel like we have returned to a playground of our Papa God’s provision.  There has been such a shifting in our
hearts, but also at the White River base. 
There is such unity, peace, joy, and expectation everywhere….and we know
this is only the beginning!
You have put
more joy and rejoicing in my heart than [they know] when their wheat and new
wine have yielded abundantly.

My purpose
is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may
have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the
mystery of God, namely, Christ. 
Colossians 2:2  


Some testimonies since our last updateJ

1) We had no issues on our flights over (all the stand-bys
got on!)   Johanna was a star
and only had a meltdown upon exiting the plane (cause she wanted to get back onJ).
2) Jean’s parents quickly recovered from the flu….however it
hit us upon landing in SA.  We
spent the first 5 days quarantined to our house, but we bounced back finally
and had a very sweet reunion with our big SA family!
3) The truck repairs were more expensive than we hoped but
we got an email from our Iris NPO covering in SA that they wanted to cover the
repair costs- GLORY!
4) While playing catch up, we hosted the most amazing
visitors and team of Harvest Mission school students.  Everyday was an adventure in fruitfulness and fire.  We saw many salvations and healings
during the home-visits and outreaches. 
Two local witchdoctors got gloriously saved shortly after we arrived
5) The overdue reports for Social Services took us almost 3
weeks to complete, but we were able to finish them and hand them in May 31st.  Jean, Johanna, and I did the happy
dance in the parking lot of Social Development…
6) A month before leaving America, it honestly looked like
we had no missionary support for the summer.  However, within weeks a flood of people asked to prayerfully
come to SA….not just anyone….the real cream of the crop Kingdom lovers and
graduates of Iris Mission school…..and so many we may have a housing issue
soon….but what a glorious problem to have, aye?
7) My pregnancy has been a breeze and we are eagerly
awaiting our precious new “Glory” girlJ  At 34 weeks, I am still full of energy
and sleeping at night (most of the time). 
Pray the grace continues as new missionaries arrive next week and
training can begin.  I am so
grateful for God’s goodness and kindness that will allow a proper baby break
coming up.
There is so much more…like some really awesome testimonies
about MCV which we just posted on the MCV website.  Visit it by clicking on this link:
Please be praying for us as we dive deeper into His heart
and harvest this season!  We
promise to send out another update in a few weeks…maybe even a newsletterJ  We love and bless you!
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Heading home…

Today is the day:)  We head for the airport in just a few hours to begin the long journey to our beloved home, South Africa!  We have super enjoyed our time in the US- tons of precious encounters and times of refreshing with friends/family and in His presence.  We are so grateful to be returning home with renewed vision and fresh oil from heaven!!!
We covet your prayers today-
1) We are flying standby, so pray that we will indeed get on our flights with as little delay as possible.
2)  Jean’s parents (77 and 86) have come down with a horrible cold which immobilized them and is super trying to attack us too.  Please pray for divine healing for Jean’s parents and us….It is hard enough making the trip with an active 2 year old while pregnant….so we are so thankful for the blood of Jesus and your intercession for His kingdom in our bodies!!!
3) Our truck broke down while we were in America and needs major repairs.  Never the news one wants to hear aye?
4) We have two major reports due to Social Services immediately upon arrival.  The reports cannot be delegated and need our focused time and energy.  Pray for the supernatural grace to get these done in the midst of playing catch up, loving on our kids (esp. the 3 new ones), hosting visitors, addressing issues, etc:).
5) We have an amazing couple from New Zealand who desire to come serve this summer.  They just need the financial breakthrough so they can have some monthly support and buy their tickets!  Pray with us for His quick provision and lavish presence!
Thank you again for taking a moment to lift these requests before the Father!  We promise to keep you posted via the blog with testimonies and glorious breakthroughs on the way!
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Back in America!

Please forgive us that this is being posted so late….We have been in America now for almost a month! We are super enjoying this time of rest and refreshing while connecting at our amazing churches and family!

We celebrated Johanna’s 2nd birthday with family in Omaha which was amazing…the only bummer was Johanna’s constant questions about her MCV brothers and sisters (Where is Bonga, Daka, etc? Why can’t they come to the party? Ahhhhh!!!)
Here is our traveling schedule (half is done…sorry!)
March 3-4 Heartland AG, Ankeny IA
March 5 The Hub, Omaha NE
March 9-10 Extreme Youth Community Conference, Omaha, NE
March 11 New Beginnings Worship Center, Bellevue, NE
March 14 Glory Center, Omaha, NE
March 16-18 Family Life Marriage Seminar, Kansas City, MO (attending not speaking:)
March 25 Bellevue Christian Center, NE
April 1 Oasis Church, Winsdsor, CT
April 8 Easter (with family)
April 15 Christ Life Fellowship, South Hadley MA
April 17-23 Various ministries in Mechanicsburg, PA (attending Voice of the Prophets Conference with Global Awakening)
April 29 Valley Brook Community Church, Granby CT
May 1st Return home to SA!
We are grateful for this season of refreshing and rest…Please be praying for us! We really desire to return home to the SA harvest with renewed passion, new vision, supernatural strength, and divine strategies!!!
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Being a bridge…

Since the beginning of the year, our ministry base has hosted 6 teams of visitors! In years past, we were lucky to host 2-3 teams a year. In the past six weeks, over 100+ people have blessed our big SA family with love, ministry, and eternal fruit. This has us reflecting on the great honor and privilege we have as a bridge to the Western Bride. Most missionaries view teams/visitors as ‘work.’ But Iris Ministries (our Africa covering) refuses to do this. Embracing this incredible calling to host visitors, we strive to weave our visitors into the amazing harvest going forth. And time after time, the visitors are forever changed. Forever wrecked for ‘normal life.’ Forever burned by the fire of God in Africa. Forever impacted by the face of Jesus in the children, pastors, and missionaries.
We have a guest book in our Visitor Center at Michaels Childrens Village. Recently, I was skimming some of the testimonies left by visitors. The presence of God overwhelmed me and I felt very strongly that we needed to share a few:
I came here thinking I would see a bunch of sad orphans without homes and parents but instead I found kids excited and happy with loving people all around them…. Justin Park, Virginia.
The amount of love that is in this place is crazy amazing! I’m so glad I was blessed to be a part of it! MCV will always be in my prayers, especially the house parents. Y’all are amazing and some of the most encouraging people I have ever met! Mark Wilson Baton Rouge, LA
The atmosphere here is Heavenly. There is honor, love and grace surrounding everyday. I’m privileged to be a part of everyday life here. Alicia Andrus Littleton, Co.
I came here from America expecting to help kids who where “less fortunate” than me but God showed me something completely different. The Lord portrayed his heart through them-like they were mothering/fathering me! My highlight is when one of the young girls put her hand on my shoulder and started to close her eyes and just started to move with the spirit! Christien Byun Centreville, VA
I see this place as the “promise land” and this through your hospitality, the love and the peace that flows through each one of you. I’ve been so impressed by the home visits, the feeding program, pre-school, chosen ones, computer lab and the bible school which is free of charge. You guys are a huge blessing to this community that’s why God will keep filling your cup to overflowing. Emmanuel Kiki Rep of Benin, Africa
Why do we share this? We believe that God is opening the portals of heaven for our visitors this year! Already we are seeing crazy miracles and healings as teams go forth on home visits within the community or serve at MCV. God has also blessed the ministry with two interns this year and we want more! Please prayerfully consider coming to SA and joining with our big family in this awesome Kingdom harvest! There is no better way to know how to pray/give than experiencing it for yourself (please contact us by email for more information)!

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