
Our USA itinerary

Blessings dear ones! We have been in America for almost a month now and loving it!!! Although we cherish this time for our little family, we are super missing the big beloved family in SA! We super appreciate prayers for the SA base in light of Nelson Mandela’s critical sickness. We ask this because when Mandela does indeed pass into eternity- there is a lot of talk about an outbreak of extreme violence/riots. Please join us in praying peace over South Africa and angelic protection over the big Kingdom SA family!!!

We would love to connect with as many people as possible when we are in an area, so please send us an email!

June 2nd- Glory Worship Center- Omaha, NE
June 9th- New Beginnings Worship Center, Bellevue, NE
June 12th- Heartland AG- Facedown Youth, Ankeny IA
June 19th- Glory Worship Center- Omaha, NE
June 20th- Waypoint Church, Omaha, NE
June 23rd- Heartland AG, Ankeny IA
June 24th- The HUB- Omaha, NE
June 26th- Real Life Church homegroup, Ankeny IA
June 30th Bellevue Christian Center, Bellevue NE
July 7-13 Jean’s parents 50th wedding celebration in Maine
July 14th Valleybrook Community Church, Granby CT
July 20th Amazing Grace Ministries, Sterling MA
 July 21st Christ Life Fellowship, South Hadley, MA
 July 27th McDonald Home Church, Hotchington, MA
July 28th AM – Oasis Worship Center, Windsor CT
 July 28th PM- Open Gate Church, West Springfield, MA
 Aug 18th City Church, Greenville, SC
Late Aug- the HUB Atlanta, GA and time at MIA/GMA
Late Aug- Leave for home/South Africa!

 Exciting times! Thank you again for all your love, prayers and support that make so much possible! We can’t wait to hug some more necks and personally express our appreciation and gratitude….So till we see you- we love and bless you!

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Harvest Bible College Graduation

On May 18th, the Harvest Bible College graduated another 34 harvesters for the fields of Africa!  The graduates have completed over forty classes covering vast areas of Bible and ministerial training.  Competition of the required course takes 1.5-2 years of dedicated study.  Therefore, graduation day is quite a celebration of achievement for the students- many of them being the first within their families to complete such an endeavor!  Highlights from the ceremony included Pastor Surprise’s and Jean’s powerful messages to the graduates and amazing impartation that followed.  The atmosphere was electric with the heavy anointing of God!  After the students received their diplomas, they were given a new Bible…During this process, Jean sensed an angelic commissioning of swords in the Spirit being knighted on each graduate.  We praise God for this newest army of harvesters for South Africa and the world!!!  Pray with us for His glorious will to be done in each of their lives- on earth as it is in heaven!

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Womens Conference

In Africa, women are hidden heroes. Often rising before the sun to fetch water, cook breakfast, bath/dress children, clean, and countless other things, women work hard till sunset without much appreciation or personal time. What a privilege to whisk these beautiful ladies away for a much deserved weekend of restoration and refreshing!!! The first week in May, Iris Revival Backdoor church hosted the first formal Womens Conference. Dear women from all over South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland gathered for 3 days of amazing ministry and fellowship. Many ladies testified to God’s healing power in their bodies and hearts. What an honor to assist Mama Tryphina Sithole in organizing this incredible time of ministry for His hidden heroes of Africa!!

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Road trip/Amanda &Damien

It was party time again! Another big braai Birthday bash with the MCV tribe! On an absolutely beautiful, sunny afternoon, the whole MCV family celebrated life, joy, and togetherness by venturing out about an hour to Bridal Veil Falls. Visitors and Iris missionary friends joined the MVC family in their celebrations and festivities. Soccer was played, blankets were laid in the shade, children and adults alike splashed in the cold, refreshing spring water that showered over the rocks, food was served, and gifts were presented. To end the day right, everyone laid their hands and prayed over the birthday ones, ranging from turning 2 to 42 years old. The joy and unity in the Spirit was evident and shared among all. We thank Jesus for the life He has given to all those in the month of March and look forward to what He is doing for those birthdays coming up. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

 For pictures- visit the MCV website

  The above blog was written by Amanda LaChapelle, a short term volunteer missionary from one of our churches- Christ Life Fellowship. Thank you again Amanda and Damien- we were so grateful for your amazing hearts and service over the past month! Please know your African family loves and misses you!!!

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Happy Resurrection!!!

Shalom, shalom from our most beloved South Africa! Forgive our silence!!! We have wanted to get an update out for 2 months now….thank you for the grace which allows the beautiful faces directly before us be the priority!!! We should have a newsletter out soon with lots of news and updates!

We wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a Happy Resurrection Week! Personally, it has been a challenging few weeks. Many of you are in the same boat, aye? So if you are being pressed, discouraged, frustrated, overwhelmed by life in a fallen world- you have a reason to rejoice! Yep- time to get happy! We have the greatest reason to celebrate ever- JESUS! May righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit invade your heart/life as we remember the lavish love that sent Him to the cross, but better yet- conquered sin/death forever! And this same resurrection love and power lives in us!!! The Kingdom of heaven here on earth in your heart! Glory!

As I write this, Jean is running around furiously preparing for the big conference the ministry hosts every Easter… I am at home with the girls using my phone/internet trying to coordinate some of the logistics…. hundreds of people coming from all over Southern Africa (even a team from America). Honestly, conferences are a crazy amount of work- but always well worth it. Besides the obvious rewards of salvations, healings, refreshing, etc), one of our favorite things is reuniting with pastors and students from the Bible school where Jean teaches. Recently, the ministry received a huge donation that made it possible to build an entire new complex- spacious new classroom, new administrative offices, upgrades to the current kitchen, dorms, bathrooms! We recently worked on a special update features lots of pictures and testimonies of the transformed Harvest Bible College- please email us if you would like to see it (!

As always, we love and bless you! We pray you will be super blessed and refreshed this Resurrection week. May Jesus reveal Himself anew in greater and more glorious ways. May the truth of “He is Risen” be so magnificently apparent that every tribe and tongue will know Him!

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Open Gate

Recently we were mega blessed by a team from one of our home churches- Open Gate in CT.    The team served our African family so beautifully- it was crazy hard letting them go!  We saw many, many people come to Jesus (100+?), lots of healings, and lives transformed.  From the prisons to the brothels of Nelspruit- the team lifted up the name of Jesus while lifting our arms with fresh love and fire!  We are so thankful for their generous outpouring of love, service, and ongoing prayer!  Thank you again Pastor Mike for your amazing heart and leadership….the following is his summery of the trip☺

“Best missions trip ever!  Thank you so much for inviting us here.  I know our lives have been changed forever.  Seeing the team grow and be used by Jesus brought great joy and blessing to my heart.  The whole time here was an awesome experience.”

Amen and amen!  Please pray about joining us in the incredible harvest fields of South Africa!  The harvest is READY- we simply need help bring it in!!!!! Email me for more information!!!

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Pastor’s Advance 2013

Every year in South Africa, leaders gather from several
nations to receive a fresh impartation of vision and anointing.  This years Pastors Advance did not
disappoint!  Our leaders were
nourished and inspired by the anointed preaching, prophetic gifts, and
incredible worship.  We were very
blessed by our speakers, Pastor Surprise Sithole, Pastor Johannes Mabilia, and
Pastor Mark Larson.  Perhaps the
greatest highlight of the conference was the supernatural unity happening
within the South African Iris family….God continues to make us one for His
glory!!!  Pastor Surprise
summarized it best in saying, “it was a supernatural time….the unity is so
wonderful.”  Amen!  Pray with us for many more supernatural
times of refreshing for our leaders on the front lines of the African
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Africa Cup of Nations

I believe every child in South Africa (who watches the
professional soccer matches on TV) has dreamed of being the kid who escorts the
player on the field….Well, for many of our kids at MCV- that dream has come
On Jan 26, our kids along with some peer friends from
Backdoor, proudly represented South Africa in the Africa Cup of Nations
(Ethiopia vs Burkina Faso).  It was
a day to forever be remembered and talked about!   For some the greatest highlight was walking hand and
hand with a celebrated soccer star into Mbombela stadium, which was full on
20,000 screaming fans…For others, it was celebrating with their houseparents
during the game.  Maybe for others,
it was staying at a luxury hotel for one night!  
Since many of the other MCV children were unable to qualify
for this honor due to age or height requirements, we had a special party for
them centered on watching their brothers and sisters on the TV.  We screamed and jumped for joy at the
little glimpses of each family member….another moment to never be forgotten!
We are so grateful for the opportunity given to our dear
children by Reach for a Dream and AFCON! 
Thank you sooo much for making dreams come true for our kids!!
Visit the MCV website for pictures!
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Christmas 2012

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth
peace to those on whom his favor rests.”  Luke 2:14
And remember the words of the Lord Jesus when He said, “It
is more blessed to give than to receive.” 
Acts 20:35
We are extremely blessed in our little corner of the world in South Africa…especially at the Childrens’ village-MCV.  Almost daily, there are precious miracles of provision and
supernatural promises (like healing, salvations, etc).  Children may come in orphaned, abused,
broken, but they certainly do not stay that way!  They transform into sons and daughters of the King with amazing
dreams and visions!  Each child’s
journey is different, but some things remain constant.  God’s favor and peace rests at MCV.  And in the journey towards wholeness-
each child comes to the crossroads where they can think of themselves or
love/bless others.
This Christmas giving season started with our kids blessing
their teachers with homemade goodies and appreciation cards.  The fun continued with the
older kids working for hours making 600 candy bags for the Backdoor Community
outreach.  They also put together a
short nativity play to present at the outreach.  Gloria was almost used as the Baby Jesus, but she got fussy so we used a doll.  Our kids were shinning examples of Jesus’ love at the
outreach where over 500+ kids were blessed with the Gospel and a Christmas
treat (the candy bags lovingly made up and prayed for by the kids).  The next day, most of the MCV kids and
staff went on home visits in the townships to deliver Christmas gifts to needy
children.  At each visit, our
staff/kids prayed for the child/family often with signs and wonders
Christmas Day was an amazing day of celebrating the best
present ever- Jesus!!!   And
of course the kids were pretty excited about the other presents tooJ   We enjoyed the morning as a little family- worshiping and opening gifts together.  As a family, we did one home visit to a neighbor bringing gifts for the kids (two children living with their grandmother).  Johanna had a slight melt-down when giving away the gift since she kinda wanted it herself…but in the end- she was happy to give:)  We joined our big African family in the afternoon for more Christmas celebrations.  Visit the mcv website for pictures:
MCV invited the local extended MCV family (former MCV
children now living in the local community) for a big celebration the day after
Christmas.  In addition to the big
feast, the MCV kids helped give gifts and pray for all the children
present.  What a joyous reunion of
hearts and family!
Thank you so much for everyone who prayed and helped make
this holiday so incredible at MCV! 
We are so blessed by your love and generosity…We know we are blessed to
be a blessing!  Pray with us for
the wondrous circle of blessing to always continue!
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Merry Christmas!

Blessings and Peace from South Africa!

Can you believe another year has almost passed? This life is racing by…days, weeks, months pass so preciously… Ever ask the question, “When are things going to slow down? ” We have. And we don’t really like the answer. With the holidays upon us once again, things only promise it get crazier! More demands upon already hectic schedules. More high expectations to meet. More people in need…

Things were pretty busy in Bethlehem on that first Christmas. We all know the story. The city was overrun with people- no room for a desperate couple only hours away from the birth of their first child…it is hard to imagine a more stressful situation! And yet there was no stress- just peace. Beautiful, silent and strong faith in God’s promises and plan. In the humblest of places, God gives His greatest gift…

This Christmas, join us in keeping first things first. JESUS! Instead of spinning our wheels, let us sit at His feet and hear His heart for each day. May we receive His divine strategizes and secrets reserved for His friends! May we spend our days gloriously giving away His presence and His presents (eternal life, peace, love, etc!!!)

May you be abundantly blessed this Christmas giving season! We are so thankful for all the ways you have given yourself to us and the Kingdom. Truly, you are a cherished gift from God! Thank you again for standing with us in the amazing harvest of Africa! We love and bless you!

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