In early July, we snuck up to Pemba for a week visit! We, along with Surprise and Tryphina and 2 of our main pastors, represented South Africa at the Iris Global Tribal Gathering. We were so renewed by the wonderful fellowship and the refreshing services. Heidi and Roland Baker shared about the core values of Iris and the vision for Iris Ministries as it expands into more and more nations (26+!). Our hearts are so excited about what God has in store for our little part of the vineyard in South Africa. We also were able to spend some quality time with our boys in Pemba (the 11 boys who were in our dorm room “Might Warriors / Fire Starters”). Another highlight of our trip was to show off our beautiful Johanna Joy. Everyone loved her and we somehow managed to bring her back home with us.
Pemba Visit
World Cup Update- part 2
World Cup Update!
Saved, Healed, Delivered….Discipled!
Michaels Childrens Village is full!
After receiving 6 more kids in the past 2 months, we are maxed out at MCV. With no more beds, we hate to even think about turning away a child in need. Please pray with us!!! We hope to build four more houses this year, but we need the divine provision to do it! We already have a few amazing fundraisers for MCV- pray God multiplies their efforts. South African Social Services has also asked us to be prepared for an influx of children due to child trafficking and child prostitution during the World Cup (June 11-July 11). Pray with us so we can be prepared for this divine opportunity.
May we continue to say “Yes” tothe Joshuas of South Africa!
Baby be mine…
Warrior baby walks!
Seven months ago the Lord sent us Welcome (aka-warrior baby), a 15-month-old baby with HIV, TB, and a rare form of pneumonia. He came to us dying, weighing only about 6kgs and unable to walk or talk. We honestly did not know if he would make it. We held him, loved him, and prayed for him around the clock. Little Welcome needed a miracle, God provided! Last Friday the 23rd Welcome walked for the first time without any help. He now weighs almost 11kgs and loves to talk. We witnessed the healing power of the love of God flowing through our amazing staff and house parents and heal Welcome. We are praying for the day when Welcome will no longer need his medicine and will be totally healed and HIV free. Please join us in prayer for Welcome and all the children the Lord has given us.
Feed the world…one baby at a time
The Blessing…
These are exciting times! After the last few months of grace and battle, we are excited to press into this new season of family before us! We hope you have seen the numerous posts and testimonies on Truly it would have been impossible without the love and prayers of so many of our global family. For you we are truly grateful. As we eagerly await the arrival of Baby Nicole (due March 1st) and Joshua (a 6 week old HIV + baby abandoned at a local hospital who will be joining the MCV family), we anticipate the great honor and responsibilities before us. People love to tell us, “Life will never be the same!” Indeed…and we will never fully know this adventure of parenting till the baby arrives. What will happen when we are handed these precious miracles of life? I love this story of Jesus with children…. Jesus said to them, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these….And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10: 14,16 The beautiful thing about a blessing is that, unlike a curse, a blessing can never be broken. What power and possibility! I have often wondered what exactly Jesus said to the children as He blessed them. One day I will ask him. For now, I will simply follow His example and bestow His blessing. From the children on the street to the children brought by Social Services to MCV, I desire to speak blessings over these precious gifts from God. And in that first moment of seeing our baby, we vow to bless him or her with the same blessing Jesus gave to those children. We want to encourage you today to do them same! Look around you today…who is around you? Go to them. Bless them. Seize the opportunity to bless the children/people around you with the impartation of God’s unfailing love and destiny for their lives. Join us in blessing Baby Nicole and Joshua this week as they begin their lives. We covet your prayers for a safe and joyful birth for our baby and a speedy discharge for Joshua so he can come home to MCV. We look forward to sending out another update soon including pictures of these newest treasures!!!