
Meet Marcelino

Marcelino joined our family in November of last year. Marcelino’s father brought him to the center after his wife had died of an extended sickness. At six months old, little Marcelino was also very sick. Weighing in at 3 kilos (close to 7 pounds), he was underweight and malnourished. His father took Marcelino to local women to nurse, but the baby still seemed to be getting weaker by the day. A local pastor told Marcelino’s father about Iris Ministries. The desperate father wasted no time. He arrived at our Pemba base a few hours later.

Marcelino’s first months with our family were not easy. Sickness after sickness seemed to plague sweet Marcelino. Due to the frequent illnesses, he was tested for HIV/AIDS. Praise God, his results were negative. During a visit when he was hospitalized our missionary doctor said, “Marcelino has ‘failure to thrive.’ Unless we see something change…we could lose him.” We prayed together and took authority over the spirit of death and released God’s Kingdom over Marcelino. We did not see any dramatic improvements, but we did not give up praying. After a week of these prayer visits, Marcelino was released from the hospital…and he has not returned! (2 months so far)

Today, Marcelino is a very happy and healthy ten month old! He loves to play peek-a-boo with his quick, irresistible smile. He learning to walk and soon will be unstoppable. Marcelino is another amazing example of Jesus’s ‘promise to thrive’ over His children!