
Trees are planted!!!


We are so crazy blessed to share that the trees have been planted! At long last, over 1700  Macadamia trees make up MCV’s “Field of Dreams” sustainability farm. Since hydration is so critical in a successful transplant (the trees are four years old), our team prayed for rain. Wow, we got it! It has rained more in the past month than in the past five years! It might even be too much now, so pray for proper amounts!
Jean recently taught 1 Corinthians at the Bible school and began meditating on chapter 3 (such great passages on the church, leadership, and unity). We were especially drawn to verse 7 “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow.” Indeed, in the spiritual and physical harvest fields of Africa- only God can bring the increase. Of course we delight in every opportunity to prepare the soil, plant seeds, water them, and harvest… But because the Lord is the one who ultimately makes people/trees grow- we are liberated from striving or “works.” We train our hearts to be fixed on HIM, not the fields! Our purpose is not ‘great harvest’ (although that indeed is the result), our pursuit is becoming one with the Lord of the Harvest!
We are so thankful and appreciative for our global family. Words could never express the gratitude in our hearts for you….May each one of us grow, grow, grow where He has planted us! May the vineyards of our hearts abound in fruitfulness for His glory! We love and bless you!!!!
“They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.” Isaiah 61:3