2020- a year for the books, aye?! Trying to sum up such an unprecedented season is impossible, so lets back up a bit…

After an amazing season of rest and book writing in 2019, God began to reveal His will for the next season our family. Early on Christmas morning, God spoke clearly, “Awaken hearts to know me! Call sons and daughters into their destinies.” We started 2020 wrecked by this mandate and seeking Him for the specifics. The Holy Spirit led Jean to travel to Manila, Philippines in February where we received confirmation to begin a new ministry center training indigenous missionaries/pastors, but also in reaching other unreached countries in Asia.

During the pandemic pause, we prayerfully moved forward with His vision for Awaken Hearts (AH). Blessed by our covering organizations (Iris Global and MIA) and advisors, we incorporated AH and submitted everything for non-profit status. A few foundational milestones moved painfully slow but as we obeyed, breakthroughs followed. Awaken Hearts is now fully operational with tax- deductible status, an amazing board, new website, etc.

FB prayer group: Nicole Tribe in the Nations Follow us on Facebook- AwakenHeartstribe Instagram: TeisaJean Nicole

With borders still closed to the Philippines, God has led us to Urbandale, Iowa to come alongside Heartland Church with their mandate of prayer for the nation. However, we continue to travel as He leads (so contact us if you want us to come!) We have set our hands to the plow in the great harvest here in America. Personally, we have seen more people come to Jesus in the past 6 weeks than the past year. With great unrest in our cities, comes great opportunity. May the Lord open our eyes to the harvest fields before each of us.

We wish we could tell you the exact launch date for Manila, but we wondrously do not know yet. But He does and we have perfect peace that He is preparing the way. Till then, we are humbled and honored to be in America during this critical hour. “Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe… Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” Joel 3: 13-14

Whatever happens- Jesus is King. May we all take our places in prayer and purposeful advancement of His Kingdom. May the Christ in YOU be the hope of Glory wherever He leads!