
Top 10 reasons we LOVE Christmas in Africa!

10) Kids sleep in!

9)   It is hot. (some days this is a mixed blessing)

8) You don’t get sick of Christmas music…. your lucky to even hear a few songs!

7) Nobody cares what you wear to the Christmas party as long as it is clean.

6) Many kids have never heard the name ‘Santa’ (like mine- Glory!)

5) You always make new friends since 5-10 people you do not know come and celebrate with you.

4) You never have issues with left-over food.

3) Children are thrilled with ONE gift.

2) Since very little energy goes into decorations, shopping, ‘keeping up with the Jones-’ everything goes into loving Him and people (especially the poor).   One enjoys the abiding beauty of ‘it is better to give than to receive.’

1) This one is global- Because our amazing Heavenly Father gave us the perfect gift- JESUS- the way, the truth, and the life! We wish you His very best this Christmas and pray He showers His presence and presents on you (peace, love, salvation, glory- shabba, shabba!)



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A Christmas funny…

Twas the weeks before Christmas and a newsletter was due, so Teisa/Jean composed a silly rhyme for you.

We started the year with Johanna doing homeschool. Her sweet and spicy spirit excels at being cool.

We loved our America visit at the beginning of the year. Even with Ebola talks, we returned home with no fear.

Our South African family awaited with new challenges and blessings. Everyday is an adventure with the King!

We face cues of people with great needs unmet, until Jesus comes and then miracles abound in His silhouette.

With our little sweeties and MCVʼs ever growing way, we are so grateful for each new treasure in our fun family fray.

From the new 24/7 Prayer Center to the precious Dignity ministry- His glory abounds for all to see!

Jean turned the big 50 with much joy and fun; His jubilee year of freedom in the Son.

Looking back over this year we are so grateful for you- our family and friends who have given us so much anew!


May the joy that comes from knowing JESUS fill your hearts to overflowing this holiday season. And may His love and joy only increase this upcoming New Year! We are so thankful for all the people/ churches that faithfully pray, support, and lift our arms during the journey. We press on together for His glory being poured out in America/South Africa/nations in 2016!!! His best is yet to come!!!

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