Recently we were mega blessed by a team from one of our home churches- Open Gate in CT. The team served our African family so beautifully- it was crazy hard letting them go! We saw many, many people come to Jesus (100+?), lots of healings, and lives transformed. From the prisons to the brothels of Nelspruit- the team lifted up the name of Jesus while lifting our arms with fresh love and fire! We are so thankful for their generous outpouring of love, service, and ongoing prayer! Thank you again Pastor Mike for your amazing heart and leadership….the following is his summery of the trip☺
“Best missions trip ever! Thank you so much for inviting us here. I know our lives have been changed forever. Seeing the team grow and be used by Jesus brought great joy and blessing to my heart. The whole time here was an awesome experience.”
Amen and amen! Please pray about joining us in the incredible harvest fields of South Africa! The harvest is READY- we simply need help bring it in!!!!! Email me for more information!!!