Today is the day:)  We head for the airport in just a few hours to begin the long journey to our beloved home, South Africa!  We have super enjoyed our time in the US- tons of precious encounters and times of refreshing with friends/family and in His presence.  We are so grateful to be returning home with renewed vision and fresh oil from heaven!!!
We covet your prayers today-
1) We are flying standby, so pray that we will indeed get on our flights with as little delay as possible.
2)  Jean’s parents (77 and 86) have come down with a horrible cold which immobilized them and is super trying to attack us too.  Please pray for divine healing for Jean’s parents and us….It is hard enough making the trip with an active 2 year old while pregnant….so we are so thankful for the blood of Jesus and your intercession for His kingdom in our bodies!!!
3) Our truck broke down while we were in America and needs major repairs.  Never the news one wants to hear aye?
4) We have two major reports due to Social Services immediately upon arrival.  The reports cannot be delegated and need our focused time and energy.  Pray for the supernatural grace to get these done in the midst of playing catch up, loving on our kids (esp. the 3 new ones), hosting visitors, addressing issues, etc:).
5) We have an amazing couple from New Zealand who desire to come serve this summer.  They just need the financial breakthrough so they can have some monthly support and buy their tickets!  Pray with us for His quick provision and lavish presence!
Thank you again for taking a moment to lift these requests before the Father!  We promise to keep you posted via the blog with testimonies and glorious breakthroughs on the way!