Please forgive us that this is being posted so late….We have been in America now for almost a month! We are super enjoying this time of rest and refreshing while connecting at our amazing churches and family!
Back in America!
Being a bridge…
Since the beginning of the year, our ministry base has hosted 6 teams of visitors! In years past, we were lucky to host 2-3 teams a year. In the past six weeks, over 100+ people have blessed our big SA family with love, ministry, and eternal fruit. This has us reflecting on the great honor and privilege we have as a bridge to the Western Bride. Most missionaries view teams/visitors as ‘work.’ But Iris Ministries (our Africa covering) refuses to do this. Embracing this incredible calling to host visitors, we strive to weave our visitors into the amazing harvest going forth. And time after time, the visitors are forever changed. Forever wrecked for ‘normal life.’ Forever burned by the fire of God in Africa. Forever impacted by the face of Jesus in the children, pastors, and missionaries.
We have a guest book in our Visitor Center at Michaels Childrens Village. Recently, I was skimming some of the testimonies left by visitors. The presence of God overwhelmed me and I felt very strongly that we needed to share a few:
I came here thinking I would see a bunch of sad orphans without homes and parents but instead I found kids excited and happy with loving people all around them…. Justin Park, Virginia.
The amount of love that is in this place is crazy amazing! I’m so glad I was blessed to be a part of it! MCV will always be in my prayers, especially the house parents. Y’all are amazing and some of the most encouraging people I have ever met! Mark Wilson Baton Rouge, LA
The atmosphere here is Heavenly. There is honor, love and grace surrounding everyday. I’m privileged to be a part of everyday life here. Alicia Andrus Littleton, Co.
I came here from America expecting to help kids who where “less fortunate” than me but God showed me something completely different. The Lord portrayed his heart through them-like they were mothering/fathering me! My highlight is when one of the young girls put her hand on my shoulder and started to close her eyes and just started to move with the spirit! Christien Byun Centreville, VA
I see this place as the “promise land” and this through your hospitality, the love and the peace that flows through each one of you. I’ve been so impressed by the home visits, the feeding program, pre-school, chosen ones, computer lab and the bible school which is free of charge. You guys are a huge blessing to this community that’s why God will keep filling your cup to overflowing. Emmanuel Kiki Rep of Benin, Africa
Why do we share this? We believe that God is opening the portals of heaven for our visitors this year! Already we are seeing crazy miracles and healings as teams go forth on home visits within the community or serve at MCV. God has also blessed the ministry with two interns this year and we want more! Please prayerfully consider coming to SA and joining with our big family in this awesome Kingdom harvest! There is no better way to know how to pray/give than experiencing it for yourself (please contact us by email for more information)!