
Teisa’s Pemba trip

Recently, Johanna and I were able to spend a week in our old home Pemba, Mozambique. Since tickets were crazy expensive, Jean volunteered to stay back and keep things running smoothly in South Africa. I was tad apprehensive to travel alone with JoJo (bus and plane rides in Moz), but everything went wonderfully (except crossing the border….but that is another story☺)
Our time in Pemba was epic! On the first night, we crashed the missionary home group (with around 50 people). Johanna had not seen Heidi in over a year (she is 18 months now), but she made a bee line for her. Heidi was soaking on the floor when she felt little hands on her head…and then Johanna kissed her! How amazing is that….little JoJo knew in the spirit how special Heidi is…to her/me (and to Jesus and the world!) I think JoJo received an impartation of love from Heidi that night too! For the rest of the week, we got lots of time with Heidi (which is a miracle), but we soaked it up and will treasure it forever.

So our mission while in Pemba was both social and practical; we had tons of people to reconnect with and we were recruiting short/long term missionaries from the mission school for the White River base. Days were full and fun. On Saturday, we refused to schedule anything so we could enjoy the beach and take the boys (our old dorm- Mighty Warriors/FireStarters) out for a special lunch/fellowship. Johanna loved the beach and really loved the time with her long distance brothers.

The last highlight was visiting Julianna. She is the first widow who we built a house for in 2006. Over the years in Pemba, God knitted our hearts with Julianna and her family in a deep, abiding, love at all costs way. Honestly, we would do anything for her…she is truly family. We heard before coming to Pemba that she was extremely sick…maybe even dying. This made the trip even more divine. We were able to surprise Julianna with a house visit and spend some incredible time visiting and praying for one another. Her health is stabilized but we are still contending for complete wholeness. Most of all, it blessed my heart the way God allows people to be separated, but so gloriously still together in spirit!
To all the people we only see only once a year/or every few years, but remain forever in our hearts and together in this awesome harvest- we love and bless you! DIV

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Currently it is burning season in South Africa. Almost everywhere one goes rurally, there is a fire somewhere along the way. Most of these fires are set purposely as a means of prevention (fire breaks) to stop run away fires.

The MCV family is always growing and learning. After having 2 small fires on the adjacent property which MCV owns, we sought out some help in being more prepared. Therefore, Jean helped organize a Fire Certification Seminar to train up our team of missionaries, house fathers, guards, gardeners, and some local leaders to form the MCV Fire Brigade! The 3 day training was quite intensive and included burning a few fire breaks. And the training was just in time. The next Saturday following the training, there was a massive fire that was rapidly burning on our large adjacent land. Not exactly the restful Saturday that we had hoped for:) Jean and the crew jumped in (even a visitor) and helped control the fire and back burn to contain the blaze from not touching any neighbors property. After 5 hours of hard work, the fire was out. Our dear visitor suffered a small, but nasty burn on his face. Bless him, he took in stride and bashfully showed off his battle scar of his love and service at MCV.

We are so grateful for your prayers for God’s protection and faithfulness! We indeed welcome the fire of God in the Spirit, but we hope to not see any more fires in the natural!

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