
Michaels Childrens Village is full!

After receiving 6 more kids in the past 2 months, we are maxed out at MCV. With no more beds, we hate to even think about turning away a child in need. Please pray with us!!! We hope to build four more houses this year, but we need the divine provision to do it! We already have a few amazing fundraisers for MCV- pray God multiplies their efforts. South African Social Services has also asked us to be prepared for an influx of children due to child trafficking and child prostitution during the World Cup (June 11-July 11). Pray with us so we can be prepared for this divine opportunity.
May we continue to say “Yes” tothe Joshuas of South Africa!

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Baby be mine…

Shalom, shalom! Forgive our silence over the past few months! Our sweet treasure Johanna Joy arrived on February 26 (7.5 pounds and 22 inches). The first two months have flown by in new baby bliss. Thank you so much for everyone who sent an extra blessing for us in response to our growing family. We are so appreciative and grateful for the amazing provision!
Over the past few months an interesting contrast has presented itself. As new parents, we eagerly anticipated the arrival of our precious gift. Johanna was deeply loved in the womb and smothered with love upon appearance. Johanna’s first moments were met with lots of kisses, happy tears, smiles, etc. She had a beautiful bed next to mommy and daddy prepared in advance for her. From clothing to cuddles, all her needs and cries were answered immediately. Little Johanna has only known love and security…
Joshua’s life started very differently. His mother, sick from AIDS and struggling with two other children, never wanted another baby-especially if the baby was HIV +. The mother gave birth and quickly escaped the hospital before questions could be asked. Abandoned and alone, dear Joshua spent his first months crying. Fed by busy nurses, his only comfort was being held a few minutes every few hours. Joshua was famous with the hospital staff for his ear-piercing scream. His bed was a cold, hospital crib that changed constantly. He wore battered rags until the nurses brought him clothes from their homes. Neglected and lonely, Joshua’s little heart was in danger of draining away…
Our staff heard about baby Joshua when he was 5 weeks old. Sadly, the proper paperwork took social services another 5 weeks till Joshua was released to come home to our children’s center (MCV). Suddenly, baby Joshua had a line of people waiting to love of him- baby house staff, missionaries, MCV kids, etc. We finally got our turn when Joshua came to stay in our home for a week during the big Easter church conference. It made the 3AM expressing sessions all worth it (God blessed me with enough breast milk for two!) Now, Joshua is a happy, healthy 4
month old with an incredible destiny and future.
It is our passion and calling to bring hope and healing to the Joshuas of this world- the abandoned child, the desperately poor widow, the lost and forgotten soul. We love bringing salvation to the least of these. Our every hug and home is made possible by the miraculous generosity of God’s people. Thank you for partnering with us in SA and continuing to pour out your lives and resources into the work of the King!
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Warrior baby walks!

Seven months ago the Lord sent us Welcome (aka-warrior baby), a 15-month-old baby with HIV, TB, and a rare form of pneumonia. He came to us dying, weighing only about 6kgs and unable to walk or talk. We honestly did not know if he would make it. We held him, loved him, and prayed for him around the clock. Little Welcome needed a miracle, God provided! Last Friday the 23rd Welcome walked for the first time without any help. He now weighs almost 11kgs and loves to talk. We witnessed the healing power of the love of God flowing through our amazing staff and house parents and heal Welcome. We are praying for the day when Welcome will no longer need his medicine and will be totally healed and HIV free. Please join us in prayer for Welcome and all the children the Lord has given us.

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