
Meet Surprise!


For those who might not be familiar with Iris Ministries, we want to introduce the amazing visionary we are working under! Suprise Sithole has been working with the Bakers for over 10 years and currently serves as the International Director of Iris Ministries. He also planted the church and ministry center in Backdoor which Jean and I are serving/leading. God has used Suprise in numerous miracles which include raising 3 people from the dead! For more of his testimony, visit
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Latest and greatest!

Here is our latest update:)  Some of you have received this in the mail or by email, but like to post it here too:)

The new children’s village is progressing quickly.  We still have tons of work to do, but God is so faithful…step by step, He is bringing us closer and closer to the birth of this vision!

This newsletter shares about our vision and our new community!  Please do not miss reading it!  

Just click on the following link and you will have it!

June 09 newsletter2

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