One of my greatest joys in Pemba is my daily walk on the beach. I (Jean) find this time to be a great source of joy and strength as I minister unto the Lord and enjoy his wonderful creation. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore refreshes my spirit, and peace and tranquility flood my soul. Last Tuesday morning I found myself in great need of help as I had just been asked to be in charge of our kitchen. Two days of training and I was handed the keys. The mission was to serve food to over 1000 people per day. All I could think was help me Jesus!! I was overwhelmed, in great need of assistance, and the only thing I knew to do was to go for a walk and pray.
While going for my walk I noticed a young boy in the distance (maybe 10-12) who was walking kind of funny. It looked like he had a clubbed right foot as he was dragging it while walking. I felt a prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray for him and felt like the Lord would heal him if I did. As soon as we met I asked him what his name was and if I could pray for him. He asked me for money. Immediately the scripture in Acts 3:6 came to mind, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you…in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk.” I then noticed that his hand was also clenched closed. As I began to pray and invite the Holy Spirit to come his hand began to slowly open. I then took authority over all the power of the enemy and commanded him to let go of Basillo. I then told him to jump up and down and begin to walk. His foot straightened out and as we continued to walk together he asked me for money again. Praise God! Lord let your kingdom continue to come on earth as it is in heaven!
One week later:
After several days of overseeing our kitchen operation I’m overwhelmed by the goodness, the grace, and the mercy of God. The prayers of the saints and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit have brought me into a new place of abiding in the presence of the Lord, even in the midst of trying circumstances. Teisa and I honored to be serving God in such a beautiful place as Pemba. Our hearts full of gratitude and thankfulness as we daily walk with our king JESUS!!!