Things are great here…well…besides me getting the African chicken pox:) We have had so many waves of sickness at our base in the past 3 months. All summer we have had sinus issues due to the extreme wind and dust. This normally only affects the foreigners, but because the wind was so bad, many Mozambicans also had sinus issues. Then we had over 30 kids with the mumps in July which was followed by a massive amount of ringworm and chicken pox in August/Sept. Because Jean and I rotate kids staying at our home on Friday nights, we think our precious boys must have given it to me. Its not too bad…just extremley itchy!!! Praise God for an expired bottle of Calimine lotion which we found in our medical stash!!!
Regardless what the enemy throws at us- we are rejoicing and standing on God’s promises! In the end, we know who wins!!!!